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Drexel Students End Their School Year with a Bang!

Thanks to students from Drexel University fulfilling their civil engagement requirement by volunteering on Gazela, supplementing our complement of volunteers, we got a lot of good work done in the past few months, including shifting ballast for inspection of the members below, removing and stowing the winter cover, and getting a start on uprigging by using mechanical advantage (block and tackle) to get the main and mizzen booms and gaffs in place. To thank them for their hard work and enthusiasm, we invited them for a potluck that coincided with a fireworks display, and gave them all complimentary one-year memberships, since many were keen on coming back to volunteer over the summer break, or when they are back in school in the fall. We also received a Drexel flag, now flying on the mizzen truck, to showcase our appreciation of the hard work they put in these past few months.

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