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Gazela in the News

We have two interesting media mentions recently. The big event in September was the production of The Sea Plays held on board Gazela from Sept. 12 to Sept. 23. Check out Toby Zinman’s column in the Inquirer after the jump.

A Portuguese site also offers a short Gazela profile. Tony Souza provides a translation from the blog “Roda do Leme” which means Ship’s Steering Wheel. This is the blog site of Tiago Neves a maritime historian from Aveiro, Portugal.

From Toby Zinman at the Inquirer:

“…a superb production of these rarely performed one-acts. And to see them aboard the Tall Ship Gazela! If there were an award for Best Fringe Venue, this show would get it, especially on a clear, moonlit night with the Ben Franklin Bridge providing a beautiful backdrop. ….The two short plays, seamlessly performed in the deep, wooden bowels of this historic and handsome sailing vessel, are immensely helped by the authenticity of the setting. And, with a cast of excellent actors…this is a theatre experience that is both moving and engrossing.”

Read the full review.

“The well known barkentine and also the only wooden ship still surviving of the immense salt cod fishing fleet is Gazela Primeiro. Although she is no longer among us Portuguese having been sold to the Philadelphia Maritime Museum in 1971 and then passed on to the not-for-profit Philadelphia Ship Preservation Guild in 1985. She is looked after by volunteers, the very best form of historical ship preservation. PSPG volunteers dedicate their labors to maintaining and preserving their ship as if it were of their own culture. And I say what excellent work.”
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