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Gazela on Film

Janet Souza and Chuck Anastasio holding Gazela reel.

Janet Souza and Chuck Anastasio holding Gazela reel.

What do antique cars and Gazela have in common? Besides both needing tender loving care, a serendipitous meeting between Tony Souza and an antique car collector in NJ (Chuck Anastasio) led to the guild receiving three reels of 16 MM film from Gazela’s trips in 1984.

Chuck obtained the films when he bought a box of films on antique cars and the three reels of Gazela was in the box. Tony recognized that one scene looked a lot like the Canso Canal north of Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia complete with a bagpiper and people in tartans.

Upon further research, Ann Preston and Eric Lorgus found out the ship went to Boston, Portsmouth, Halifax and Quebec City in 1984 with Captain Jay Bolton. In The Heart of a Ship, Nancy Linden and Jim Barry write about the trip. Thanks to Tony and Janet for acquiring the film.


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