Lean all about setting sail aboard a tall ship! The volunteer crew of Gazela invite you to learn the arcane parts of sails, the ropes which control them, and the steps for setting and dousing the sails. Our instructor, Deb Peretz, learned these steps over 20 years ago and has since gone on to serve on other sailing ships and tugboats. She’ll provide handouts and personalized instruction to get you comfortable with pulling on ropes and working as a team. The last hour of class will consist of students responding to orders and setting and dousing at least four of the ship’s 16 sails.
Date: October 15, 9am-1pm
Location: Barkentine Gazela at Penn’s Landing
Admission is $60, which includes handouts, instruction, and tours
To purchase tickets, click here: Sail Training Tickets
Please note that this is an outdoor event, so dress for the weather. If you have tender hands, you may choose to bring gloves. Gazela will not leave the dock for this class.
